Friday, May 1, 2009

Fu Manchu

ahhhh the beginning of a new addiction I am sure. Speaking of addictions, my most recent one is mustaches. I'm obsessed. I want to be a man just so I can grow a mustache...not the penis, not the eating whatever you want without getting fat, not the lack of the sexual double standard, not the ability to survive on twinkies and steak... but the mere fact that I could grow a mustache one day would be enough. And soooooo I vow to devote each new blog to a certain mustache. And today it is the one featured in my profile picture. Yes, ladies and gents, this is a Fu Manchu, proudly sported by yours truly at 4 in the morning before my C Lit midterm was due. Yes, that is Devin and my style... we pulled an all nighter and during our break we drew on mustaches and left videos for people of us singing Barbie girl and Tim and Eric's Wipe My Butt... classic.
Alright, so here are some fun facts about the infamous Fu Manchu:

-It was named after a fictional character who wore this dashing facial accoutrement and became a stereotype of Asian villains

-It first appeared in the British serial "The Mystery of Doctor Fu Manchu" (now there are few things British I watch besides a smattering of BBC, but this sounds like quality)

-Anton La Vey, the founder of the Church of Satan, wore this stylish facial hair

-Sal Fasano, a Colorado Rockies player, also sports this incomparable accessory

Soooo I hope everyone is just a bit more educated on this fine subject of whiskers and maybe, if you are lucky enough to be a male capable of growing a mustache, or a very hairy woman, then maybe, just maybe, you will be inspired to someday groom your boring facial hair into a glorious FU MANCHUUUUUUUUU!

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